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Шахматные уроки  |  Լավագույն քայլը

The following downloadable worksheets have been designed for teachers of young children who wish to learn about chess. Materials will be generated in PDF format to fit to be printed to A4/Letter size papers.

It is important that children who intend to learn to play the game, become familiar with the correct names and symbols at an early stage. These worksheets will build up into a portfolio for the child, summarizing what they have learnt - the sheets will become a set of notes for reference use and homework assignments.

Please do not forget to sign name of the child if you are submitting your homeworks.

We hope that they will be useful to you.

Please contact us by e-mail if you have any suggestions as to how we can improve the assets provided by this site.

Chess Games Options:

Complexity (Elo rating):   Select All
  From 601 to 700
  From 701 to 800
  From 801 to 900
  From 901 to 1000
  From 1001 to 1100
  From 1101 to 1200
  From 1201 to 1300
  From 1301 to 1400
  From 1401 to 1500
  From 1501 to 1600
  From 1601 to 1700
  From 1701 to 1800
  From 1801 to 1900
  From 1901 to 2000
  From 2001 to 2100
  From 2101 to 2200
Value Range:    
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